About Us

The Hayzie Soul Boutique was started in January of 2019. Originally named Olive + Otis Boutique, we underwent a rebranding after 1 year of being open!

I started this boutique after a long journey that started with me having to change careers from being a teacher-due to medical reasons. I had a tumor, underwent speech therapy and struggled for several years with confidence and belief in myself. I still do sometimes.

Fashion gave me an outlet while going through this traumatic time of my life and helped me overcome it. As I went through the journey I started blogging! I would put all my energy into styling outfits and writing columns so that I could connect with people and share my story. As I grew as a blogger, so did my modeling career and opportunities within the fashion world. I became a buyer at NRS where I learned so much before getting pregnant with my son! While being home with Hayes I missed being involved within the fashion industry and buying, so I decided to start my own boutique.

After all, I loved making sure women knew their worth that they could achieve whatever they set their minds to, despite a difference; Despite what the world might say about them.

My goal with the boutique was to not only get back to what I loved but also to empower women who might be going through or struggling with something like I did. I never want another woman to feel less confident than she should!

For our store to be what it is now and growing is something I never realized could or would happen to me. Although my boutique is its sole entity, the name acts as an umbrella currently for many vendors today. Our storefront is not exactly what I imagined as I embarked on this journey, but better. It has allowed me to scale my own business while learning how to operate a store, learning how to be a boss, and learning what works for me.

The Hayzie Soul Boutique storefront in Paradise, Texas is helping others scale their business as it represents a store for many other small business owners in our quaint town. Although this is where we are today, that is not our end goal. A vendor store was never our plan, and it won’t be our finale.

The future is bright and the dreams I have are big. One day I hope to have a franchise of The Hayzie Soul Boutique. For our current vendor store, I hope we can be successful and reach the goals that we have set.

To end, we’re all beautiful in our own way. We all bring a uniqueness to the table we sit at. I want to make sure that every woman at every stage of her life, feels special. I promise to make you feel that way when you walk through my doors! Β 


Β Denae Beedlow